October 28, 2022
SEO for the media
Маркетинг и PR
We share key insights from the Ukrainian Media Forum - UMF 2022 speeches. Next up is Marko Fedorenko, a senior SEO specialist at the Promodo marketing agency.
Marko has worked with SEO for more than 8 years. For the past three years, he has been part of the Promodo team, where he was responsible for DOM.RIA, GoodWine, Pivdenny, PUMB, Vkursi, and other projects. Marko develops his SEO Ideas Telegram channel and works with international projects (Poland, USA, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan).
Presentation topic: "SEO for the media"
Three pillars of search engine optimization and operation
1. Crawling
The process of finding new content on the Internet by search bots. Crawlers scan the Internet looking for links that were previously unknown to search engines. This can help you check the content posted at the addresses and updates, so that you can decide what to include in the search index and analyze further. The owner of each site can control crawling by using /robots.txt, which tells the crawlers what information they can access.The next important stage is the correct html markup. Crawlers will ignore a link with incorrect tags, which makes it virtually impossible to make it to the search index.
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2. Indexing
Search engine indexing is the process of sorting and storing data to ensure fast and accurate information retrieval. At this stage, search engines download the content that is located at your url addresses. They try to do this the same way the user's browser does. That is, they download the entire html document with images and text and analyze what is placed on the page, which group or key topic this page corresponds to, and whether it is unique or worthy of inclusion in the search index.
3. Ranking
When our content has made it to the search index, we want it to be at the top of the search page.Once we have worked out all the ranking algorithms, Google applies its scoring system and determines to what extent the content posted at a given url address corresponds to the search query and forms a list of ten links that you see on the first page.

There must be someone responsible for the content that gets published on the Internet. Therefore, search engines are moving towards EAT. This way, when Google ranks content, it has no liability if the user reads potentially harmful information.
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How to work with EAT:
The About Us page is key for working with EAT. It should clearly state who you are and what you do. You should provide links to social media, information about your history, team, office hours and any additional data that verifies your existence, including third-party sources. The more signals Google gathers confirming that you are a real company that can be trusted, the more likely you are to be eventually included in its knowledge graph.
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The Our team information is also no less important. Consider showing who works in the company and what these people do. Google has its own algorithm for identifying individuals and their digital footprint. Therefore, if Google is able to understand that people from your site are people from the real world, it will only be to your advantage.
Everyone who writes content on the site should have a personal author’s page. It should have links to social media and earlier articles. The publication page must include the name of the author, publication dates, and updates. It is also a good idea to add references to your sources.
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Working with the SEO team
How to bring in SEO when the technical part has been set up:
1. Find an SEO expert or agency
2. Introduce them to the editorial team and writers
3. Create a workflow for content creation in synergy

Additional organic growth tips:
• write meta tags
• optimize articles for key queries
• develop a content strategy
• optimize content for Google Discover and Google News
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How to increase the chances of your content making it to Google Discover:
• Focus on high-quality content and great user experience
• Get Google Knowledge Graph Panel or Google My Business Account
• Extend the life of content by updating posts
• Use high resolution images 1200px + a catchy title
• Respond to a specific informational need
• Structure your content semantically
• Create social activity around your content
How to increase the chances of your content appearing on Google News:
• Provide clear headlines – do not use click baits
• Block copied or rewritten content
• Use structured data for a versatile presentation
• Avoid duplicating content
• Provide accurate times and dates, avoid automatic publication updates
• Do not mislead by posting unverified content
• Be transparent