October 15, 2022
Benefits of media monitoring for non-profit organizations
A good reason why media monitoring is important to nonprofit marketing is that donors, granters, and foundations are interested in seeing the effective use of their funds. Negative mentions in the media will lead not only to a decrease in the number of supporters but also to a loss of the beneficiaries’ trust.
Media monitoring combined with analysis of mentions on social networks will let you assess the effectiveness of the marketing efforts of a non-profit organization.
Media analytics of foreign charitable foundations in Ukraine
An incentive for cooperation and charity
According to a study conducted by Waggener Edstrom Worldwide in collaboration with Georgetown University, about 55% of social media users indicate it as a source of motivation for further action. This is a relatively high result when it comes to the promotion of non-commercial projects.

Case Study: The Olena Pinchuk Foundation and The Coca-Cola Foundationа held a grant competition to support business projects created by women. Such an initiative is beneficial both for the funds and for the winners. Some take part to receive financial assistance, while others, with the help of the competition, can attract the attention of businesses — they receive additional donations and increase awareness of the problem that the non-profit organization is trying to solve.

What does it have to do with media monitoring?
This kind of initiative targets a rather limited audience while requiring mass media exposure initiated by the organization. With LOOQME analytics, you will establish the type of media most focused on covering your event, which, in return, will help you tailor your nonprofit marketing efforts to the type of social media you need. The newsmaking function lets you filter the news you initiated from the rest and understand whether the existing strategy of promoting your content is working effectively to bring in a new audience.
Case Study: Wildlife conservation organizations and local administrations encourage Ukrainians to join World Cleanup Day every year. In some regions, the mention of an event and the organization that initiates it spreads much slower than in others.Solution: Monitoring the distribution of the event mentions will show in the form of a graph the regions of Ukraine where articles are most frequently duplicated so that you can focus your activities on the regions requiring more extensive coverage.
Protecting your name
Negative mentions of certain political parties and non-governmental human rights organizations often appear in the press. Such publications are mostly initiated by competitors or persons interested in lowering their ratings. This can cause serious reputational damage, so a timely response is necessary to minimize the effects of actions aimed at blemishing one’s name.
Avoiding PR crisis and more: how to use and benefit with Alerts
The international Freedom House organization, which is engaged in the protection of democracy and the study of the state of human rights in the world, comes under ceaseless attacks by the media of authoritarian countries. Social media often serve as an outlet for spreading negative comments, as it is impossible for authoritarian regimes to broadcast their TV channels in many parts of the world.
Solution: LOOQME monitoring tools let you filter your tone metrics and display existing negative mentions of your organization. With its help, you can assess the risks associated with the impact of negative publications and take measures to refute them. Alerts will notify you as soon as a mention comes out in the media.
4 media monitoring benefits for non-profit organizations
• Analysis of mentions by quantitative and qualitative media analytics indicators, identification of key topics and problems resonating with your target audience.
• Tracking what the media, bloggers, and influencers say about the organization and its management. Collaboration with opinion leaders who relate to your problem.
• Establishing how well the audience understands your problems.
• LOOQME news feed word cloud and post search let you understand what inspires people to give to charity or volunteer.